

Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the World Trade Organization

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Statement by Ambassador LI Chenggang in the March Meeting of General Council

Item 2.1

I would like to begin by expressing my sincere appreciation to the outgoing ambassadors for their contribution to the WTO. I wish them every success in their new endeavors.

Also, I would like to extend my warm welcome to the newly arrived ambassadors. I look forward to working with them in the future.

Let me start by extending my thanks to the UAE, all the chairs and facilitators, the DG, and the Secretariat for their contributions for the MC13 and congratulating all of us on the positive and pragmatic outcomes at MC13. That week in Abu Dhabi went like a roller coaster. But we managed to achieve multiple development outcomes, and 124 members finalized the Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement.

That being said, it is regrettable that we were not able to deliver some important outcomes, including the Fish II negotiations, agriculture, incorporation of IFD agreement as well as some forward-looking paragraphs in the Abu Dhabi Ministerial Declaration.

Work should continue in these areas in Geneva. China is committed to completing the Fish II negotiations based on the encouraging progress made in the very last day in Abu Dhabi. On agriculture, the good ideas from the Feb 29 Chair’s text should be made as the basis for the guidance to the next step substance discussions in COASS. On the DS reform, willingness, urgency and efforts are needed in order to “achieve the objective by 2024”.

In addition, we should also have some serious and sober reflections on WTO reform, “to improve all its functions”, as Ministers committed in the MC12.

On the negotiating functions, the Abu Dhabi Ministerial Declaration, Ministers reaffirmed, I quote “resolve to preserve and strengthen the ability of the multilateral trading system……to ensure the WTO’s proper functioning”. End of the quote. The irresponsible use, or even the abuse, of consensus principle, as well as the “l(fā)ose-lose” negotiation approach, will gradually undermine the negotiating function of this institution and its ability to deliver concrete outcomes. The developing members and small economies would stand to lose the most. While we must uphold the principle of consensus, we need to explore how to make the decision-making mechanism more responsible and flexible.

On the organization of the MC, further reflections should be made on how to make it more “efficient”. If “drama” is needed, at least we should deliver. Certain understandings need to be clarified, as to the legitimate procedural right for members to bring issues for consideration at the MC pursuant to the WTO Agreement. Such rights should be respected and guaranteed. It is worth recalling that, Article 4.1 of the WTO Agreement provides that the Ministerial Conference has the authority to take decisions on all matters under the Multilateral Trade Agreements, if so requested by a Member. It is deeply regrettable that a request made by over 3 quarters of the WTO members to seek a convergence building session for a decision under Article 10.9 of the WTO Agreement was directly denied at MC13.

In this regard, we agree with the suggestions by Singapore that a retreat could be held for further reflections. This year is the 30th anniversary of the WTO. It is hoped that the members could crystallize on the key ideas for the WTO reform, through candid dialogue and constructive engagement. This could start with a retreat. The topic should be very focused and specific.

Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the DG and the WTO Secretariat once again. I think we still have a lot of work to do. I hope we can deliver more meaningful outcomes through regular channels.

Item 3

Thank you Chair.

China thanks Ambassador FUNG’s report and commends his leadership. The Ministerial Decision on small economies provides guidance for post MC13 work of the Dedicated Session on Small Economies, in areas such as e-commerce and digital ecosystem, supply chain, and climate change adaptation and mitigation. These topics are very relevant for development and for responses to current global challenges, in particular for the Small Economies.

China will continue to constructively participate in discussions in the GC and the Dedicated Session of the CTD. We call on all members to deepen pertinent analysis, hold thematic sessions and implement the MC13 mandate to produce tangible results.

Thank you Chair.

Item 4

MC13 harvested some provisions of LDC graduation proposal annex 2. It is a remarkable achievement and an important first step in the right direction.

With respect to the remaining requests of Annex 2, all members concerned should continue to show constructive spirit, and utmost flexibility in post MC13 discussions, with a view to achieving more tangible outcomes. China is always ready.

Thank you Chair.

Item 5

China thanks the co-sponsors for the joint communication. China supports further efforts and discussions at the TRIPS Council to advance issues highlighted in the joint communication and report to MC14 on the progress made. In particular, I consider it important to complete the long overdue first review under Article 71 of the TRIPS Agreement, and to intensify engagement to ensure the mutual supportiveness between the TRIPS agreement, the CBD and the traditional knowledge and folklore.

Thank you Chair.

Item 6

China appreciates the proposal by Brazil in promoting agricultural negotiations and continuing to advance the unfinished work at Abu Dhabi.

The negotiation text circulated in the evening of 29th February by the Facilitator on Agriculture, Minister H.E. Ms. Rebecca Miano is simplified and pragmatic, and reflects the joint efforts of the facilitator, the COASS chair, the members, and the Secretariat team. China supports to have this text as guidance for the next step agriculture negotiations.

Taking into account the current situation and the multiple challenges facing members, especially the developing members, we call on members to kick off frank and effective dialogues, including dialogue on sustainable agriculture, to explore the way forward in a creative, practical and constructive way, rather than to repeat previous failures.

I would like to take this opportunity to highly appreciate and thank Ambassador Acarsoy, the COASS chair. I want to thank him for his tremendous efforts to drive negotiations and bridge divergence with even-handedness and perseverance, with creativity and realism. For the first time in years, a text of convergence among the majority of members is achieved. We call on members to collectively advance agricultural negotiations based on these efforts.

Thank you Chair.

Item 7

Thank you Chair.

China thanks India for putting this topic on this agenda. The Abu Dhabi Ministerial Declaration reiterates “the centrality of the development dimension in the work of the WTO” and recognizes that “the full integration of developing Members, including LDCs, in the multilateral trading system is important for their economic development.”

Through trade, the WTO has delivered on the development dimension. From 1990 to 2022, developing members increased their share of global exports from 16 percent to 47 percent. In the same period, the global poverty rate fell from 36 percent to 8.4 percent. Trade has integrated more and more people into the global value chain and contributed to lifting over 1 billion people out of poverty.

In spite of the progress, development deficit remains, as can be seen from the widening gap of the average per capital GDP between the developing and developed members. And, developing members are particularly vulnerable during times of pandemic, climate change or other external shocks. Their urgent concerns, such as on food security, are yet to be addressed.

Post MC13, on the development front, while continuing work on issues such as SDT implementation, LDC graduations, and aid for trade initiatives, we should also give serious thinking to our approaches to development issues in general. For WTO negotiations on development, both developing and developed members need to step up further, and towards each other, in a pragmatic, flexible and incremental way, to rebuild trust, enhance cooperation and deliver more.

In this regard, I appreciate the spirit advocated by India in its circulated document, namely “one earth, one family and one future”. I think in the organization, if we have more family like cooperations and discussions, instead of simple “take it or leave it” continuously insisting on particular positions without fair considerations to others, or even game playing. I think we can do more, and we can do better, for the people, not just on the development issues, but also on various issues of members’ concern.

Thank you Chair.

Item 8

Thank you Chair.

I would like to start by congratulating the finalization of IFDA, the Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement, by over three quarters of the WTO membership at MC13. I would also like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the Co-coordinators for their hard work and leadership in the preparation for the finalization of the IFD Agreement. I also warmly welcome Burkina Faso to join this initiative and encourage more members to join.

For an effective exchange of views, it is suggested that a dedicated process be established under the auspices of the GC, with the aim to facilitating the consensus to incorporate the IFD Agreement into WTO framework at an early date.

We expect and believe, through the spirits of family members, the IFD Agreement, as a major outcome of the development dimension, will surely find its rightful home in the WTO.

Thank you Chair.

Item 9

Thank you Chair.

At this moment, I find it very difficult for me to frame how to express our support to this issue. Actually, before MC13, in a meeting chaired by the DG, China had already expressed our support to discuss this issue. Then, at MC13, China also supported this issue. But the proposal was withdrawn twice. So, I am a little concerned about the process. Taking account of this very important issue to a lot of developing members, I do hope members could more seriously put this topic on the agenda of the GC.

Thank you Chair.